My Journey


Gained a lot of weight due to the pressure of performing well in my board examinations. Reason behind it was the obvious binging on junk and lack of physical activity. At the end of my board exams I weighed in at 110 kgs.


Continued enjoying the first year at college while there was no restriction on food, kept on gaining more weight, the foodie inside me knew no boundaries. To make matters worse I suffered a third degree ligament tear in my right knee while playing football, which meant I could not even run, let alone play any sport.


As per doctor’s advice I had to get a surgery done to reconstruct my ACL. This left me with no other option but bed recovery for the first month and then limited movement there on. It took me around 3 months in order to walk with ease, and around 6 in order to jog properly.

I started to doubt myself whether I’ll be ever able to recover from this injury or not.

Almost zero movement and unhealthy eating habits meant that at the end of the year I weighed in at a staggering 120kgs or you can say more than 250lbs.


Shift in the mindset led to eating more of clean food, counting calories and going for a run every evening. I wasn’t into the so-called fitness lifestyle yet but developed some healthy habits which made me drop a good 10-20kgs.

Going for a run every day after sunset, followed by some sort of calisthenics now became a part of my daily routine.


The initial weight loss acted as a catalyst for me to study more about nutrition science and training. Soon I realized that my love for running wasn’t enough and I had to join the gym in order to develop lean body mass while dropping fat at the same time.

I inferred that in order to transform oneself, supplements are not essential. Despite everyone telling me to invest in some sort of supplements or the other, I believed what I studied and kept on doing the basics right day in and day out.

Finally, I achieved a lean physique with a decent amount of muscle mass for people to notice, I was around 80kgs back then. I did all this just on the basis of three basic principles:

  • Nutrition
  • Training
  • Recovery

Compliments about my transformation were now common and people often used to wonder how did I pull this off? Not to my surprise, most of them refused to believe that I arrived here without the use of any supplements.

I was happy with the progress that I made and my journey so far, but I knew I needed to put in more effort in order to get to that next level.


Took my physique to the next level solely on the basis of right nutrition, correct training and adequate recovery. Not only this, I sustained whatever I had achieved and rather improved upon while working as an employee for a corporate at my first job.

A major change that came to my mindset during this year was that you do not need to spend hours in the gym daily and eat 100% clean all the time to get results. I applied this mindset shift to myself and realized that I can actually enjoy life while attaining my fitness goals.

The change in my ideology made me ever more excited about this process and I achieved the best shape of my life with almost no restrictions on any sort of food groups.

I started viewing food as a source of fuel for my body rather than healthy or unhealthy, and how can a particular food item help me in staying on track with my fitness goals.


Managed to stay in shape and make small improvements over time while being employed at my second job which was way more stressful than the first and involved 3 hours of traveling on a daily basis.

I was in a position where most people give up on their fitness goals as they cannot manage their work life and fitness hand in hand. When it came to me, I thrived in that position, trust me I literally excelled at the art of making it a lifestyle rather than making fitness my entire life.

I even travelled quite a bit this year while staying in decent shape and enjoying life at the same time.


Cannot wait to share with you my ideology about how to get in shape while still enjoying life which I know is something you don’t often hear about, but I hope I have made you believe through my journey that it’s very much possible.

All you need is:

  • Right knowledge about
  • Nutrition
  • Correct Training Plan
  • Adequate Recovery

NoSupplements believes in making this a lifestyle rather than making fitness your entire life.

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